Tag Archives: Holidays

Struggles, ok excuses, in Weight Loss

So, I’ve said this before, but this time I mean it, I’m back on the wagon! I kept telling myself after the new year I would just forget about all the fabulous eating that occurred over the holidays and work on getting back into a good, healthy routine…um, yeah, fail?

See, here’s what happened, at first it was like, yeah, totally, I got this! Then it became, well, Vegas is the first weekend of January, I want to have fun and enjoy, so after that! Then it became well, we have the tasting for the wedding, so after that! Of course all of these things got in the way of me going back to any of my classes! I was going to make the excuse that this weekend is our cake tasting (so excited!!) but, I’m not going to.

Yesterday I went to the grocery and bought all sorts of food for lunches to bring to work, snacks that I can eat without feeling guilty and I think best of all cleaned out my fridge!! EW! But still very necessary.

I think  it will also be very helpful that dearest fiancee’s semester is starting today which means less worrying about dinners and honestly less time to hang out with friends and “grab a quick dinner” during the week as those often result in fast food or chain food which is just as bad!

I’m going back to pole tomorrow night and back to yoga Monday. 144 days to lose 8 pounds…very do-able if I stay on it!!

Eatin’ my way through the holidays!

Hi Friends! Did you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving? I know I did! But with two trips to In N Out, Thanksgiving turkey, drinks with a girlfriend, Friday night brisket, and lots of leftovers that we are required to eat at Grandma’s I opted not to get on the scale this morning!!

I figure, I’m going to get back into the swing of things, and give myself a few leeway days to not beat up myself! I’m am certainly not mad at myself. I enjoyed my Thanksgiving with my family and fiancee. That’s important, that’s what mattered! Now…just got to shake those few extra bites of Pumpkin Pie!!

Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving?

Celebrity Look for Less- Eva Longoria

Oh, well, isn’t this just slightly awkward…I was (and am) going to do a great post on how I love Eva’s outfit and how it could easily be adapted to a Thanksgiving dinner outfit depending on how formal or not your dinner is…awkward!! Oh well, her marital issues have nothing to do with what a great little fashionista she is!

Eva’s outfit brings in different blacks  and neutral tones with a cool comfort that should go along with any outfit! This outfit could, as I said before be dressed up or down for any Thanksgiving dinner or even holiday party you may be going to!

You know where to CLICK!